
Monday 21 July 2014


This is so worth blogging!!

Her first baby tooth finally cut through after 9months and 9days!!

I nv tot i would be so happy over a tooth! I guess this is what motherhood made you lol. It changed u in ways u nv tot would be.

Ps: blogging frm phone n i hv no idea how to make the pictures look normal. I guess it is out of shape?? That's why I haven't been blogging. Because i didnt had time to use the computer n blogging frm phone is hardddd.. sorry peeps. If there's anyone reading, I thank you 😂

Tuesday 18 March 2014

My Breastfeeding Journey

*warning.. wordy post ahead*

When I was pregnant, I had never once thought of the question "Should I breastfeed or should I give my baby formula milk?"

I was a 100% formula fed baby. Not even a drip of breastmilk or colostrum from my mum. When I asked her why she don't give me breastmilk, she said "Don't know leh. Last time all say formula milk got more nutrition, better." I guess formula milk companies did a good job advertising then. Despite being poor, my parents still bought formula milk for me. Which is something they deem superior at that time. For that, I thank you daddy mummy :)

My husband was formula fed too. He was breastfed for 2 weeks or so, before my Mother in Law (MIL) switched him to formula. Reason being breastfeeding it is too tiring n painful.

I had heard a fair share of painful breastfeeding experiences too. But still, that question did not come in mind. I guess it is the "IN" thing to breastfeed now? My friend breastfed her baby and is still breastfeeding after 2 years! Xiaxue is breastfeeding, Fourfeetnine is breastfeeding, MaggieQuek is breastfeeding too!! Everyone around me is breastfeeding! Why shouldn't I? Another might be because my hospital NUH is a pro breastfeeding hospital. From the very first day I'm there, I see posters on how to latch on and all the various benefits of breastfeeding. It is very easy to find the benefits of breastfeeding, if you are keen, just google. Google is my best friend up till now! It's so useful.

So yeap.. in NUH it seems like a unspoken thing that everyone assumes u will be breastfeeding. From the moment Tracy is out of me, the nurses pulling up my hospital gown n put Tracy on my breast n position her mouth to my nipples. They don't even ask!

So from that moment, I breastfeed her until now, 5 months old and on.

Aww.. look at how she cry. So cute. My left hand hurts v badly btw, can't wait to remove e drip. I keep asking the nurses "can take out alrdy?" lol Totally random.

First few days of breastfeeding

I HAVE NO MILK! NOT EVEN A DRIP OF COLOSTRUM! It was devastating. Every hour nurses will come in and assist me with breastfeeding. They teach me how to latch on, how to position her, how to cradle her. She did suckle but there's NOTHING. I read that newborns don't actually need to eat/drink for the very first few days of their life as they have "reserve" and their stomach is actually as small as a marble. So, ok lah no milk I also not very worried yet.

Here comes day 2, she is found to have pretty bad Jaundice due to the clashing blood group/type we have. I am O negative and she is B positive. Good for her to be positive (like her dad), because negative blood group is extremely rare n troublesome, I will explain this is a later post. So being jaundiced, she needs to go for photo-therapy. They will put her under pure UV ray for long hrs and that's like being under the sun, it will dehydrate her. So the hospital and nurses had no choice but to supplement her with formula as i am milk-less T.T 

At that point, I was very determined to breastfeed her and give her the best I can. So when I was told that she needs to be supplemented with formula, I was so so sad. It already hurt a lot for me to see her away from me, under the light, fighting stupid jaundice, going for blood test, getting poked and there's nothing I can do. Not even giving her milk T.T

I know that i need to keep pumping and latching for my body to produce milk! So with the help of the nurses, I pump every 3hrs without fail. It was so saddening when the bottle is empty after pumping for 30mins. Although still milk less, I still latch her on every 4hrs, day n night just to stimulate the breast as baby's sucking motion is the best breast pump in the world!

Until the day to discharge, I am stilllllll milkless. Despite all the effort. I even used warm compress and pump until honestly, my nipples feel sore already. It is really bad. But for my baby girl, I had no choice. I felt depressed and kept questioning myself WHY other people immediately have colostrum but I have nothing? Why Fourfeetnine c sect n Fighter in NICU, can't latch, she also can pump out milk?! Why I have baby direct latching also no milk!? WHY WHY WHY!!??? 

Ask so much also no use. No milk is no milk. So we resigned to fate.

Learning how to feed her formula milk in the hospital using a syringe, because bottlefeeding might cause nipple confusion as it is a different way of sucking.


The bottle of formula milk hospital gave me.

 Upon discharge hubby when to search for infant formula milk then we went home. I did not give up of course. I continued my scheduled pumping.

I pumped the moment i reach home and MIRACLE HAPPENED. I see white drops of liquids dripping into the bottle! Dip dop dip dop, omg.. the dripping sound is so satisfying I swear I was so happy I almost jumped around the room if not for my wound. I kept questioning my husband and my best friend who was there "eh u see u see!! Is this milk?! I never see wrong right!? Really have right?!? have not have not!?" Haha! I think I am damn irritating at that point. But seriously, you won't know how happy I was to know that I can finally give her my milk instead of come chemical powder mix with water.

My first precious 30ml. *tears of joy*

So I started exclusively breastfeeding her and that tin of formula milk which is ridiculously expensive just sat there in the cabinet to collect dust haha!

I do not pump anymore and switched to direct latching since it's the best and more convenient for me. 3 days after latching, I gave up and made a call to NUH to schedule a consultation with the lactating consultant. BECAUSE IT HURTS SO BAD... I teared every single time she latch on. *this is the point i heard most mummies gave up*

Lactating consultant looked at how i latch her on etc and confirmed everything is correct. She checked my nipples and confirmed there's no crack!! She too have no idea where the pain is from, and told me I am doing a good job T.T really?? Very pain leh.. Our verdict was, my tolerance for pain was too low. LOL. But I beg to differ now! Because if it really hurts that bad, I don't think I can do it for 5 months.

So what i did then was to spam Avent Nipple Cream.

I got this as a sample for buying Avent products. It is safe for baby, so every time after latching I will apply a layer and of course just cry n bear with the pain. The painful period lasted until full month. For one whole month, day n night. every 2-3hrs I will cry from latching on. It was really torturous. Amazing that I did not give up huh. I can easily just give up since there a tin of formula milk available anyway. Haha. But no lah! I want the best for her remember? A mother's determination and endurance for their child cannot be underestimated.

It is very tiring I swear.. because our body is still trying to recover from the labour. Womb is contracting, and we are losing a huge amountt of blood constantly. Our body is still burning extra calories to produce milk and we can never get 3hrs of uninterrupted sleep, because baby needs to be fed every 2-3hrs even in the middle of the night.

At night my confinement lady will bring Tracy to me for feeding. Every time I will doze off with her in my arms. It is so dangerous thinking back lol. Breastfeeding releases some relaxing "chemical" too, so baby and mummy will both feel more relax n sleepy. So I always doze off. There's even once I woke up in shocked that Tracy is beside me, because I don't even remember my CL passing her to me! I am THAT tired.

Fast forward, 5 months plus of breastfeeding experience

Breastfeeding is SOOO GOOD! 

It is so convenient! I don't need to bring bottles, milk powder, water or whatever. I can feed her anytime anywhere as long as I have a nursing cover. It is free of bacterial (don't need sterilize/wash), don't need prepare, don't need worry cold or hot or how to store if never finish. My milk will always be available at the right temperature and the right amount. Wanna drink how much just drink! Left over? Nevermind lah, still in my body anyway HAHA I don't even need to move around in the dark to prepare milk in the middle of the night, just lift up my shirt, TADAH!

It is full of nutrients. Tracy doubled her birth weight at 2months and is now 90 percentile. How not to be good?

It is full of antibodies. Tracy had never fell s*** (I really don't wanna jinx myself LOL please) before other than fever from vaccinations. Because antibodies in my milk protects her from all the viruses. Especially if I am sick, she get first hand antibodies from me, even before I feel sick myself. It is amazing. So, don't ever worry about breastfeeding when u r down with flu etc, your baby is already protected. 

It is a natural contraceptive. Not that this is good for me though. I want a horse baby actually :( But I guess it is good for others who don't want a second child so soon.

It is a natural slimming tool lol. I don't control my diet nor exercise and I am back to my pre pregnancy weight in 5 months. Just keep feeding and you will slim down slowly n steadily and the weight won't bounce back, unlike when we go on crash diet haha!

You have the excuse to eat. Because your body can't produce as much milk when u r deprived from food. Obviously right? You have to eat n drink n have sufficient rest before your body can work!

I also learnt that it is impossible to be milkless. I believe that this is something natural (like we can breath), just keep pumping n latching n be very hydrated. No such things as no more milk. There will only be lazy woman, no milkless woman :P

After all these months, I can only say breastfeeding is a very enjoyable process for me because of the bond between us. Often I feel very proud that I am the one giving her all her nutrients which enabled her to be what she is now. Healthy and growing and happy. It is a very special contact n bonding for the both of us, a very emotional feel. Intangible so v hard to explain lol Just don't let other people's horror stories scares you. And also, do it for your child n yourself!

I don't see myself ending this journey anytime soon. I intend to feed her and try to conceive and continue to feed until I deliver and still continue to feed her and the second one together. 

If I can give them the best, why not? :)

Sunday 16 March 2014

Imperial Treasure Nan Bei Restaurant

Hey Hey Hey!!!

I am back! Been too busy recently to do up a proper post. Go read my Dayre! I update there more on daily life n yes I update almost daily there. 

So I receive feed back that my blog is boring. Ya lah I also know. I also know if i update daily it will be more interesting. But I am a mother. My schedule is nt fixed nor have a few hours of free time daily where I can sit down in front of my laptop and write. I don't even have time to wash my hair daily, mind u. I either need to sacrifice my sleeping time (which is very precious please) or have someone to take care of baby for me. It's tough :(

Regardless of what, I am gonna continue blogging even if it's boring. I wanna record down my life as a 23yo with a daughter! If not I might just forget all the struggles or happiness we are going thru now :)

So.. yesterday was Saturday and we went Orchard with parents in law. Lunch at...


There was queue even though we reach at 2.45pm and they was supposed to have just opened for Hi-tea at 2.30pm. The wait wasn't too long, maybe 15mins? 

With some recommendations from my friends, I mass ordered lol

Har Gao and Siew Mai are must order for all dimsum. It taste decent. Forgot to take picture of the siew mai though. Haha. 

My friend recommended Char Siew, and i mistooked it for baked Char Siew Bao. Which anyway Char Siew is oos also. So, this is something similar to Tim Ho Wan but the latter definitely ace it. This is meehh...

Another must have. Chee Cheong Fun with prawn.

Chee Cheong Fun with Char Siew. It taste similar to Crystal Jade. I am not a very picky eater lol. 

This is stir fry chee cheong fun with shrimp paste sauce. Recommended by the staff, it is yummy but Crystal Jade Palace's version is yummier. Spicy food is always loved hehe

Har Jiong Gai / Shrimp paste fried chicken wing. Yummy as usual. 

Half Roasted Chicken. This is good! Even the chicken breast part is tender. *thumbs up* I somehow think all these roasted food like roasted chicken, pork charsiew etc are their forte. Majority is oos. We order fried pig intestine also oos -.- Must be all very nice lol

I also order Wanton in chilli sauce. Forgot to take picture but it is quite nice. Worth a try.

Ok. Next up is DA BOMB!

Dessert. Pumpkin pastry. This is pan fried topped with icing sugar. It taste like niangao but not sweet on its own, so its not overpowering, It is chewy n warm n sweet. Perfect match omg. One pc had a strand of hair, so they gave us a brand new plate. So i ate 3pcs in total. Hehe. Very nice I swear.   

Total bill for 4pax is about $100sharp. Pretty worth it I would say. Definitely going back for the pumpkin pastry and try out more yummy food!

They are located at:

Ngee Ann City, #05-12/13/14 
391 Orchard Road, Singapore 238874
Tel: (65) 6738 1238

Monday to Saturday 
Lunch 11.00am to 5.00pm
Hi-Tea 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Dinner 5.30pm to 10.00pm

Lunch 10.30am to 5.00pm
Hi-Tea 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Dinner 5.30pm to 10.00pm

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Tracy is 5 months old!


This picture was taken just this morning. She is not really that cheerful actually. Been rather clingy and cranky for no reason. Had a hard time putting her to nap too. But it's ok, she is napping now at my mum's house on my old bed which was my husband's old super single bed. So I better quickly type! (Oops.. I jinxed myself. She is up!)

I had a hard time choosing what picture to post! Because we spam take picture of her every single day. At least 10 pictures per day! You tell me how to choose!? Furthermore, in my eyes she is pretty n cute in all of them. :D I am going to show u all how she look like at birth, 1mth, 2 mth, 3mth, 4mth and now 5mth!!! 

Here we go!

On the day she was born.
 50cm, 2600grams. First day already smiley :))))) But now looking back, she is so skinny. Haha! Honestly didn't felt so then, when everyone kept exclaiming "She is so small!!"

First month
Already gained some fats on her arms and face! She look so boy here. Even till now, I still get people asking "girl or boy?" when she is fully clad in pink! >.<

First month
She is still so small, I can easily carry her with one hand! She is still skinny despite gaining some fats already. And she was suffering from sever eczema then, which we tot was heat rash because I am eating confinement food that is very heaty. So confinement lady said she was just heaty. But it was so wrong. I regret not bringing her to a dermatology sooner. She was red face for a very long period :(

Second month
My very smiley n cheeky baby. She loves playing with her tongue and cannot close her mouth -.- Checked with pd, her tongue is definitely not too long. She just love to play with it. Lol By second month her weight is already at 90 percentile and height is 97 percentile. Growing very well. Totally made up for being so small at birth lol. 

Second month
First time meeting Small Kenny. She is not very impressed. Not liking this furry guy there. Dressed in a short made by my grandmother! Legendary ahma shorts. Or is it great ahma short? Hmm..

Second month
Almost broke my hand taking this picture. Still very fat from pregnancy weight gain. I am probably 59-60kg iirc. She shld be 5kg plus alrdy. She doubled her birth weight very fast. *thumbs up!*

Third month
Tummy time with a very steady neck. Looking much like the current her.
Weight and height both at 97 percentile. No joke this girl. 3 months old already 6 kg.

Third month
This is the month she discovered her feet and can't stop grabbing them. It made diaper change a little more challenging. But look at her chubby face and michelin folds on her arms! She have double thigh folds on one of her legs too. Baby fats!!

Fourth month
In hooded towel right after evening bath. 7kg, 90-97 percentile still! At this point she is a lot more active. She drools a lot, grabs a lot and pinch me really hard. Her hair started to drop and grow! Not very looking forward to thicker or longer hair yet. Because it would mean more work for me Haha. (Lazy mum) 

Fourth month
Those foldsss.... Love hate relationship w them. They are so cute to look at, but so troublesome to care for, especially when she is super sensitive. Eczema anyhow flare up. Cheeks look really heavy here hehe. 

Fourth month
What? You just realised I don't wear mittens and booties anymore? You must be kidding! I outgrown them longggg ago! I am a big baby now! No need to be wrapped up, I am HOTTTT!

Fourth month
She can sit and stand with support really well. She also started laughing out loud! Her chuckle is so cute i swear. Show u all video next time!

Fourth month
Actually only few days back. Date stamp 7 March 11:03am and yes that's me behind. She recently just learnt how to put her head down to rest during tummy time! Guess she didn't know she could do that last time lol. Now can slack Haha

Fourth month
Also few days back. Tummy time is fun! She attempted crawling this two days and it's hilarious. Her leg will keep kicking but she don't know how to use her hands yet. So it resulted in a inverted V. Big backside high up in the air~

Fourth month
She licks everything now. Especially love the bed when she's on tummy time. Probably got sick of the taste of her hand lol. But she still haven start putting things into her mouth. Which is good lah. Start later better :D
I am scared of teething. Me, not her. 

Fourth month
With my MIL. Baby outfit, overall from Oshgosh Bgosh size 12m. Crazily small cutting I would say. Lucky I kiasu buy so big. With fake hair she looks like angmo kia. Super cute. *insert heart eyes* 

She have sucessfully learnt how to flip over at 4mths sharp n can't stop doing it. Every morning when she wake up, she will turn onto her tummy n start practicing her kicks. Sometimes she will end up turning 180 degrees. Got tired or angry, then she will make noise calling us out for help haha

No idea how she turn until her beanbag is on her shoulder. It looks like she is carrying a sack of rice of smt hehe

 How I wish she can nap so soundly like this. Had a hard hard hard time making her nap today. She nap 15mins wake up, then cranky then coax for super long then nap 15mins again. BABY Why so naughty today huh!? Lucky I have my mum's help. If not, this post is impossible lol

Babies grow soooo fast it is unbelievable. I don't know when she became so big and active. Everyday pass by and she look the same! But actually is different. I am lucky to be a stay at home mum, accompanying her 24/7, witnessing her growth (although I can't really see lah), watch her learn and explore and succeed and reaching that milestone. It is a interesting and wonderful journey. I know a lot of mums really wish to be with their kids 24/7 but they can't. So I am really thankful that my husband is supportive of this idea and give me the chance to experience motherhood to its fullest!

Happy 5 months old baby. Hope you wake up later and be the usual guai darling again. Not fun if this is your new temper at 5months. :/

With lots of love.. :)

Tuesday 11 March 2014




It's Tuesday already, hang on! We are one day nearer to weekends! So what are all of you going to do this weekend? Got plans already? I don't lol. But I can actually kind of foresee what I will be doing. Probably taking care of a feverish Tracy.

I am dreading the arrival of Friday! Because she will be going for her 5th month jab T.T Every single jab (Except those at birth), she gets fever for 2 days. It usually clears by the 2nd day, thankfully. Every jab, she will cry the clinic down, for maybe 2 mins haha! Every time we hold her down for her jab I feel that we are betraying her trust. Her eyes will give u the "why r u doing this to me!?" look T.T

Ahhhh.. sorry lah baby, I don't wish to also. :'(

I almost wanted to kill the pd n nurse every single time! Yet, I am the one paying them to poke her. Haha, irony..

Speaking of "poke'.. I am considering to bring Tracy for a allergy prick test. It's a procedure to prick/poke her back with samples of possible allergens, and see which one reacts and what is she actually allergic to that is causing the eczema to keep flaring up. Is it the cat n dog at home? Or is it the food I take? Prawn? Spice? I don't know. It is kind of irritating her eczema keeps flaring up and prolong use of steroid cream is not the solution. I am tired of battling with her everyday over applying of creams. Without fail, she will cry like i am abusing her. I don't understand.. it is just creammmsss baby. Why need to scream her lungs out lol.

So yeap, anyone out there who have been thru the same thing can share w me? Is the prick test recommended?

On a side note, I type n blog whatever that comes to my mind. Like this post, it is like talking to a friend! Don't expect perfect English from me as this is not an exam ok? Can understand jiu hao. I somehow feel this way it feels closer? Haha. We are Singaporeans! Singlish hooray! (Excuses for lousy English, diu lian)

Oh oh. I know a reader recently, (Thankful for my first reader haha) and saw a really good quote from her instagram.


Yes!! We have to be positive n do good things! Positive attracts positive!

Let's start doing something good today! Have a positive mindset and you will realise you are happier. If everyone is happier then the world will be a happier and better place isn't it?

So good! Let's SMILE!!!

Saturday 8 March 2014

Random photos recently

This was taken at my mum's house. Tracy loves sticking her tongue out. Some elderly says it is because we have a dog in my parents in law's house. So it's "胎教" that's why she is mimicking a dog -.- I don't know how true. 

Behind us is a teddy bear from Build a Bear! I name it Small Kenny. My husband is known as Kenny at home, but people outside know him as Wei Sze (pronounced as Wei Zhi). So Small Kenny was like a companion of mine last time, when I couldn't have the real Kenny by my side at night yet. Hehe. Anyway, Build a Bear is such a wonderful place for children! Even I felt so happy leaving there with my own bear, as though is my child like that. Lol. So gonna bring Tracy there in the future!

Right after I had my hair cut recently. You can read more about it on my (Shameless advertising) Haha! It was a very satisfying haircut! Did not cut it for close to 4yrs and it was at butt length in relatively healthy condition! How much hard work put in man.. I am the queen for hair care! Self proclaim though hehe. 

O.o Mummy! What's that black thing flying pass? Is it the legendary bird that always poo poo on papa's car? 

Tracy's outfit
-Headband w fake hair at side from my mother
-Bib from Mum2Mum, got it via
You can't see the shirt here, so don't bother. The bib is good in the sense it is soooo humongous you don't have to worry about her clothes staining. But at the same time it covers her beautiful clothes. Aiyess.. sometimes in life, we just can't have the best of both world right? Haha. But the bib is really good, very absorbent :)

Tracy: Mama.. I am so tired..

But imma try to get up! I know i can do it!

Hey! Mama! I got my head up!

1second later...

I think i'm good lying down, tummy time is too tiring. 

Mummy.. can i stay lying down please?

Ending off this random post with a random art work of my husband. Behind is a recipe i scribbled. It is to make Dark Mocha Frappaccino. Husband was hooked onto it since i let him tried it at Starbucks, so i made something similar with our Nespresso Machine n blender! Aikes, I drifted off.. I wanted to say about the art work. Yeah, I guess he scribbled it while he was bored from studying lol. Dreaming of striking 10million TOTO. Nice dream huh.. but I think studying is more practical. 

Ps: We don't usually gamble. But my Father-in-law will occasionally buy $2 quickpick for my husband when the draw is huge. Just for fun n who knows we might be the lucky one someday hehe! 

Ok~ I am going off. Ohyeah, If u manage to read up to here, it means I am not that boring afterall right? (I hope!) Please check back here at least once a day ok? And also please follow me on Instagram and Dayre! I am a lot more active there. Do help to spread around if you think I am worth that little time to look at! Thank you very much! Hope to see you again!

Till next time! Take care n byeee!!

New Year New Start!

Oh Hello! Saw my title?

Yeah yeah.. I know it is already a quarter into 2014, but it is never too late for a new start right!?? 

So what new start, you may ask.

*drum rolllsss* 


Why? Because I wanna be famous! Haha! Kidding lah! (Although I wouldn't mind to if people are actually interested enough in me or my baby.)

OK sooo.... I want to document the growing up of my daughter. :) *insert heartsss* She is turning 5mths in 4days time (wow, that's fast! Shocked myself when i calculated -.-) She is growing too fast and before I realise, she might be a teenager rebelling me liao :'( 

I want to document her growing up as well as share informations about her and myself. You know~ being a full time stay at home mum is a 24hrs job. It drains you off all your energy and make you age tremendously and soon you will look like a yellow face auntie. I am working hard not to go towards that via skincare n makeup etc and this space is where i will share them. 

I will talk about my life basically. Don't think Stay At Home Mum (SAHM in short) have no life ok!? Indeed we spend most of out time just facing our little one but i assure you, there are still things to share one. Because, don't forget they r growing everyday, every second :) 

There are so many topics I have in my brain that I wanna share! From daily lifes to reviews etc etc, but first!!!! I need to settle on a blog name. I had yet to decide on one!! My instagram/other social media platforms r all "wsjywsjy", it actually stands for WeiSzeJiaYing which is the initial of my husband's and mine chinese name. But it is complicated and not catchy or easy to remember! If i use my christian name, it sounds too distant. I wanna sound friendly n approachable because I really am! Haha! Hais..never tot blogname also can be this hard to think. 

So before I decide on one and publicise it, i guess no one except me will see this entry *Insert cry smiley*. Too used to having emoji, type words only like very lifeless leh. Anyone have e same feeling as me? Hello? Anyone there? ok.. no one.. Looonelyyy~ ah crap.. I am so lame. 

I will leave you (or maybe myself, since no one reading) here for now! Till next update! Hope it's soon!