
Saturday 8 March 2014

Random photos recently

This was taken at my mum's house. Tracy loves sticking her tongue out. Some elderly says it is because we have a dog in my parents in law's house. So it's "胎教" that's why she is mimicking a dog -.- I don't know how true. 

Behind us is a teddy bear from Build a Bear! I name it Small Kenny. My husband is known as Kenny at home, but people outside know him as Wei Sze (pronounced as Wei Zhi). So Small Kenny was like a companion of mine last time, when I couldn't have the real Kenny by my side at night yet. Hehe. Anyway, Build a Bear is such a wonderful place for children! Even I felt so happy leaving there with my own bear, as though is my child like that. Lol. So gonna bring Tracy there in the future!

Right after I had my hair cut recently. You can read more about it on my (Shameless advertising) Haha! It was a very satisfying haircut! Did not cut it for close to 4yrs and it was at butt length in relatively healthy condition! How much hard work put in man.. I am the queen for hair care! Self proclaim though hehe. 

O.o Mummy! What's that black thing flying pass? Is it the legendary bird that always poo poo on papa's car? 

Tracy's outfit
-Headband w fake hair at side from my mother
-Bib from Mum2Mum, got it via
You can't see the shirt here, so don't bother. The bib is good in the sense it is soooo humongous you don't have to worry about her clothes staining. But at the same time it covers her beautiful clothes. Aiyess.. sometimes in life, we just can't have the best of both world right? Haha. But the bib is really good, very absorbent :)

Tracy: Mama.. I am so tired..

But imma try to get up! I know i can do it!

Hey! Mama! I got my head up!

1second later...

I think i'm good lying down, tummy time is too tiring. 

Mummy.. can i stay lying down please?

Ending off this random post with a random art work of my husband. Behind is a recipe i scribbled. It is to make Dark Mocha Frappaccino. Husband was hooked onto it since i let him tried it at Starbucks, so i made something similar with our Nespresso Machine n blender! Aikes, I drifted off.. I wanted to say about the art work. Yeah, I guess he scribbled it while he was bored from studying lol. Dreaming of striking 10million TOTO. Nice dream huh.. but I think studying is more practical. 

Ps: We don't usually gamble. But my Father-in-law will occasionally buy $2 quickpick for my husband when the draw is huge. Just for fun n who knows we might be the lucky one someday hehe! 

Ok~ I am going off. Ohyeah, If u manage to read up to here, it means I am not that boring afterall right? (I hope!) Please check back here at least once a day ok? And also please follow me on Instagram and Dayre! I am a lot more active there. Do help to spread around if you think I am worth that little time to look at! Thank you very much! Hope to see you again!

Till next time! Take care n byeee!!

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