
Tuesday 11 March 2014




It's Tuesday already, hang on! We are one day nearer to weekends! So what are all of you going to do this weekend? Got plans already? I don't lol. But I can actually kind of foresee what I will be doing. Probably taking care of a feverish Tracy.

I am dreading the arrival of Friday! Because she will be going for her 5th month jab T.T Every single jab (Except those at birth), she gets fever for 2 days. It usually clears by the 2nd day, thankfully. Every jab, she will cry the clinic down, for maybe 2 mins haha! Every time we hold her down for her jab I feel that we are betraying her trust. Her eyes will give u the "why r u doing this to me!?" look T.T

Ahhhh.. sorry lah baby, I don't wish to also. :'(

I almost wanted to kill the pd n nurse every single time! Yet, I am the one paying them to poke her. Haha, irony..

Speaking of "poke'.. I am considering to bring Tracy for a allergy prick test. It's a procedure to prick/poke her back with samples of possible allergens, and see which one reacts and what is she actually allergic to that is causing the eczema to keep flaring up. Is it the cat n dog at home? Or is it the food I take? Prawn? Spice? I don't know. It is kind of irritating her eczema keeps flaring up and prolong use of steroid cream is not the solution. I am tired of battling with her everyday over applying of creams. Without fail, she will cry like i am abusing her. I don't understand.. it is just creammmsss baby. Why need to scream her lungs out lol.

So yeap, anyone out there who have been thru the same thing can share w me? Is the prick test recommended?

On a side note, I type n blog whatever that comes to my mind. Like this post, it is like talking to a friend! Don't expect perfect English from me as this is not an exam ok? Can understand jiu hao. I somehow feel this way it feels closer? Haha. We are Singaporeans! Singlish hooray! (Excuses for lousy English, diu lian)

Oh oh. I know a reader recently, (Thankful for my first reader haha) and saw a really good quote from her instagram.


Yes!! We have to be positive n do good things! Positive attracts positive!

Let's start doing something good today! Have a positive mindset and you will realise you are happier. If everyone is happier then the world will be a happier and better place isn't it?

So good! Let's SMILE!!!