
Wednesday 12 March 2014

Tracy is 5 months old!


This picture was taken just this morning. She is not really that cheerful actually. Been rather clingy and cranky for no reason. Had a hard time putting her to nap too. But it's ok, she is napping now at my mum's house on my old bed which was my husband's old super single bed. So I better quickly type! (Oops.. I jinxed myself. She is up!)

I had a hard time choosing what picture to post! Because we spam take picture of her every single day. At least 10 pictures per day! You tell me how to choose!? Furthermore, in my eyes she is pretty n cute in all of them. :D I am going to show u all how she look like at birth, 1mth, 2 mth, 3mth, 4mth and now 5mth!!! 

Here we go!

On the day she was born.
 50cm, 2600grams. First day already smiley :))))) But now looking back, she is so skinny. Haha! Honestly didn't felt so then, when everyone kept exclaiming "She is so small!!"

First month
Already gained some fats on her arms and face! She look so boy here. Even till now, I still get people asking "girl or boy?" when she is fully clad in pink! >.<

First month
She is still so small, I can easily carry her with one hand! She is still skinny despite gaining some fats already. And she was suffering from sever eczema then, which we tot was heat rash because I am eating confinement food that is very heaty. So confinement lady said she was just heaty. But it was so wrong. I regret not bringing her to a dermatology sooner. She was red face for a very long period :(

Second month
My very smiley n cheeky baby. She loves playing with her tongue and cannot close her mouth -.- Checked with pd, her tongue is definitely not too long. She just love to play with it. Lol By second month her weight is already at 90 percentile and height is 97 percentile. Growing very well. Totally made up for being so small at birth lol. 

Second month
First time meeting Small Kenny. She is not very impressed. Not liking this furry guy there. Dressed in a short made by my grandmother! Legendary ahma shorts. Or is it great ahma short? Hmm..

Second month
Almost broke my hand taking this picture. Still very fat from pregnancy weight gain. I am probably 59-60kg iirc. She shld be 5kg plus alrdy. She doubled her birth weight very fast. *thumbs up!*

Third month
Tummy time with a very steady neck. Looking much like the current her.
Weight and height both at 97 percentile. No joke this girl. 3 months old already 6 kg.

Third month
This is the month she discovered her feet and can't stop grabbing them. It made diaper change a little more challenging. But look at her chubby face and michelin folds on her arms! She have double thigh folds on one of her legs too. Baby fats!!

Fourth month
In hooded towel right after evening bath. 7kg, 90-97 percentile still! At this point she is a lot more active. She drools a lot, grabs a lot and pinch me really hard. Her hair started to drop and grow! Not very looking forward to thicker or longer hair yet. Because it would mean more work for me Haha. (Lazy mum) 

Fourth month
Those foldsss.... Love hate relationship w them. They are so cute to look at, but so troublesome to care for, especially when she is super sensitive. Eczema anyhow flare up. Cheeks look really heavy here hehe. 

Fourth month
What? You just realised I don't wear mittens and booties anymore? You must be kidding! I outgrown them longggg ago! I am a big baby now! No need to be wrapped up, I am HOTTTT!

Fourth month
She can sit and stand with support really well. She also started laughing out loud! Her chuckle is so cute i swear. Show u all video next time!

Fourth month
Actually only few days back. Date stamp 7 March 11:03am and yes that's me behind. She recently just learnt how to put her head down to rest during tummy time! Guess she didn't know she could do that last time lol. Now can slack Haha

Fourth month
Also few days back. Tummy time is fun! She attempted crawling this two days and it's hilarious. Her leg will keep kicking but she don't know how to use her hands yet. So it resulted in a inverted V. Big backside high up in the air~

Fourth month
She licks everything now. Especially love the bed when she's on tummy time. Probably got sick of the taste of her hand lol. But she still haven start putting things into her mouth. Which is good lah. Start later better :D
I am scared of teething. Me, not her. 

Fourth month
With my MIL. Baby outfit, overall from Oshgosh Bgosh size 12m. Crazily small cutting I would say. Lucky I kiasu buy so big. With fake hair she looks like angmo kia. Super cute. *insert heart eyes* 

She have sucessfully learnt how to flip over at 4mths sharp n can't stop doing it. Every morning when she wake up, she will turn onto her tummy n start practicing her kicks. Sometimes she will end up turning 180 degrees. Got tired or angry, then she will make noise calling us out for help haha

No idea how she turn until her beanbag is on her shoulder. It looks like she is carrying a sack of rice of smt hehe

 How I wish she can nap so soundly like this. Had a hard hard hard time making her nap today. She nap 15mins wake up, then cranky then coax for super long then nap 15mins again. BABY Why so naughty today huh!? Lucky I have my mum's help. If not, this post is impossible lol

Babies grow soooo fast it is unbelievable. I don't know when she became so big and active. Everyday pass by and she look the same! But actually is different. I am lucky to be a stay at home mum, accompanying her 24/7, witnessing her growth (although I can't really see lah), watch her learn and explore and succeed and reaching that milestone. It is a interesting and wonderful journey. I know a lot of mums really wish to be with their kids 24/7 but they can't. So I am really thankful that my husband is supportive of this idea and give me the chance to experience motherhood to its fullest!

Happy 5 months old baby. Hope you wake up later and be the usual guai darling again. Not fun if this is your new temper at 5months. :/

With lots of love.. :)

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